Smart Start (education)

Smart Start is a North Carolina public-private initiative, founded in 1993, that provides funding to local non-profit organizations throughout the state to "ensure that young children enter school healthy and ready to succeed". Smart Start funding supports child care, efforts to reduce the cost of child care, access to health services, and family support. In 2007-2008, the budget for Smart Start is approximately $205 million, with at least 10% raised privately. Administrative costs for the program are limited by statute to 8%.

Smart Start (education)

Smart Start is a North Carolina public-private initiative, founded in 1993, that provides funding to local non-profit organizations throughout the state to "ensure that young children enter school healthy and ready to succeed". Smart Start funding supports child care, efforts to reduce the cost of child care, access to health services, and family support. In 2007-2008, the budget for Smart Start is approximately $205 million, with at least 10% raised privately. Administrative costs for the program are limited by statute to 8%.