Smith Red Valencia

Smith Red Valencia is a pigmented bud sport of a conventional Valencia orange tree. An initial scientific report stated: The rind frequently carries a heavy red blush and the flesh is heavily pigmented by anthocyanin. The fruit shape is somewhat variable at present, globose to ovoid with a depressed base, possibly due to the juvenility of the subject trees. Although the fruit is mature in late winter, it holds well into late spring, well past the season for conventional blood oranges.

Smith Red Valencia

Smith Red Valencia is a pigmented bud sport of a conventional Valencia orange tree. An initial scientific report stated: The rind frequently carries a heavy red blush and the flesh is heavily pigmented by anthocyanin. The fruit shape is somewhat variable at present, globose to ovoid with a depressed base, possibly due to the juvenility of the subject trees. Although the fruit is mature in late winter, it holds well into late spring, well past the season for conventional blood oranges.