Social Contract (Ontario)

The Social Contract Act was a 1993 initiative of the provincial Ontario New Democratic Party government, intended to mitigate the negative impact of the early 1990s recession. The Act included the establishment of a job security fund, as well as austerity measures such as a wage freeze and mandatory unpaid days of leave for qualifying members of the civil service. The unpaid days of leave became known colloquially as Rae Days, after NDP leader Bob Rae, and are probably the best known aspect of the policy.

Social Contract (Ontario)

The Social Contract Act was a 1993 initiative of the provincial Ontario New Democratic Party government, intended to mitigate the negative impact of the early 1990s recession. The Act included the establishment of a job security fund, as well as austerity measures such as a wage freeze and mandatory unpaid days of leave for qualifying members of the civil service. The unpaid days of leave became known colloquially as Rae Days, after NDP leader Bob Rae, and are probably the best known aspect of the policy.