Social Venture Network

Social Venture Network (SVN) is a nonprofit membership organization composed of a multitude of various business leaders who strive to create a more just and sustainable world. Founded in 1987 by Joshua Mailman, Thomas H. Stoner Jr., and Wayne Silby, SVN encompasses around 500 national and international leaders of both for-profit and non-profit sustainable enterprises. Those in the for-profit space are also recognized as companies dedicated to a triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit.

Social Venture Network

Social Venture Network (SVN) is a nonprofit membership organization composed of a multitude of various business leaders who strive to create a more just and sustainable world. Founded in 1987 by Joshua Mailman, Thomas H. Stoner Jr., and Wayne Silby, SVN encompasses around 500 national and international leaders of both for-profit and non-profit sustainable enterprises. Those in the for-profit space are also recognized as companies dedicated to a triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit.