Social experiment

A social experiment is a kind of psychological or a sociological research for testing people’s reactions to certain situations or events. The experiment relies solely on a particular social approach when the main source of information is people with their knowledge and point of view. To carry out a social experiment, specialists normally divide participants into two groups — active participants (people who take action in some event) and respondents (people who react to the action). Throughout the experiment, participants are monitored by specialists to identify the effects and differences as a result of the experiment.

Social experiment

A social experiment is a kind of psychological or a sociological research for testing people’s reactions to certain situations or events. The experiment relies solely on a particular social approach when the main source of information is people with their knowledge and point of view. To carry out a social experiment, specialists normally divide participants into two groups — active participants (people who take action in some event) and respondents (people who react to the action). Throughout the experiment, participants are monitored by specialists to identify the effects and differences as a result of the experiment.