Sodam Yat

Sodam Yat is a fictional character, an extraterrestrial superhero published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #2 (1986), and was created by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. He operated as Ion, having become one of the most powerful characters in current continuity. In 2013, ComicsAlliance ranked Sodam Yat as #32 on their list of the "50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics".

Sodam Yat

Sodam Yat is a fictional character, an extraterrestrial superhero published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #2 (1986), and was created by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. He operated as Ion, having become one of the most powerful characters in current continuity. In 2013, ComicsAlliance ranked Sodam Yat as #32 on their list of the "50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics".