
Banco Sofitasa's headquarters is in San Cristobal, Venezuela. It belongs to the small/medium spectrum of the bank ranking in Venezuela, with a market share of 1%. It has over 100 branches in 18 states of Venezuela. The financial institution is a regional bank classified as Universal. This means that this financial institution can serve all types of financial services that a bank can provide in Venezuela according to the Venezuelan legislation: commercial, retail and investment banking. The bank is a member of the Banking Association of Venezuela.


Banco Sofitasa's headquarters is in San Cristobal, Venezuela. It belongs to the small/medium spectrum of the bank ranking in Venezuela, with a market share of 1%. It has over 100 branches in 18 states of Venezuela. The financial institution is a regional bank classified as Universal. This means that this financial institution can serve all types of financial services that a bank can provide in Venezuela according to the Venezuelan legislation: commercial, retail and investment banking. The bank is a member of the Banking Association of Venezuela.