Songs From the Hydrogen Bar: A Tribute to Chemlab

Songs From the Hydrogen Bar: A Tribute to Chemlab (or Stapled and Sutured) is a tribute album and various artists compilation album released on September 27, 2013 released by MOMT. The album was named after Chemlab's website and 1993 debut album Burn Out at the Hydrogen Bar, released by Fifth Colvmn Records.

Songs From the Hydrogen Bar: A Tribute to Chemlab

Songs From the Hydrogen Bar: A Tribute to Chemlab (or Stapled and Sutured) is a tribute album and various artists compilation album released on September 27, 2013 released by MOMT. The album was named after Chemlab's website and 1993 debut album Burn Out at the Hydrogen Bar, released by Fifth Colvmn Records.