South Side Baptist Church

South Side Baptist Church is a historic Southern Baptist church at 2400 Dodson Avenue in Fort Smith, Arkansas. It is a large two-story brick building, built in 1948 with Moderne styling. The main facade is symmetrically arranged, with its entrances recessed to the sides of a round Romanesque arch, whose rear wall presents a round-arch window. Narrow windows and projecting corner sections relieve the mass of brickwork, with the corner sections providing vertical emphasis with piers and rising the height of the building. The building is a rare local example of the Moderne style. It is used by the church for educational facilities.

South Side Baptist Church

South Side Baptist Church is a historic Southern Baptist church at 2400 Dodson Avenue in Fort Smith, Arkansas. It is a large two-story brick building, built in 1948 with Moderne styling. The main facade is symmetrically arranged, with its entrances recessed to the sides of a round Romanesque arch, whose rear wall presents a round-arch window. Narrow windows and projecting corner sections relieve the mass of brickwork, with the corner sections providing vertical emphasis with piers and rising the height of the building. The building is a rare local example of the Moderne style. It is used by the church for educational facilities.