Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages

YP Texas Region Yellow Pages LLC is a division of YP Holdings that publishes telephone directories to Southwestern Bell customers for AT&T. The company was originally formed in 1984 as Southwestern Bell Media, Inc. Its products included the Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages and the Silver Pages, a telephone directory specifically compiled with listings of businesses that were focused on senior citizens. Until 2004, telephone directories published by Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages included the following disclaimer:

Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages

YP Texas Region Yellow Pages LLC is a division of YP Holdings that publishes telephone directories to Southwestern Bell customers for AT&T. The company was originally formed in 1984 as Southwestern Bell Media, Inc. Its products included the Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages and the Silver Pages, a telephone directory specifically compiled with listings of businesses that were focused on senior citizens. Until 2004, telephone directories published by Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages included the following disclaimer: