Spartacus (Gibbon novel)

Spartacus is a historical novel by the Scottish writer Lewis Grassic Gibbon, first published in 1933 under his real name of James Leslie Mitchell. Although Gibbon is mainly known for his trilogy A Scots Quair, this is his best-known full-length work outside that trilogy. As its name suggests, it is an account of the great slave revolt in Ancient Rome, led by Spartacus.

Spartacus (Gibbon novel)

Spartacus is a historical novel by the Scottish writer Lewis Grassic Gibbon, first published in 1933 under his real name of James Leslie Mitchell. Although Gibbon is mainly known for his trilogy A Scots Quair, this is his best-known full-length work outside that trilogy. As its name suggests, it is an account of the great slave revolt in Ancient Rome, led by Spartacus.