Special Action Force

The Special Action Force (SAF) is the elite unit of the Philippine National Police founded by Fidel V. Ramos. SAF Commandos have received training from the Hostage Rescue Team (HRT), Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG), RAID and Yamam. The Anti-Terrorist Unit (ATU) of the PNP-SAF is responsible for police counter-terrorism (CT) operations nationwide. SAF troopers are assigned anywhere in the country. Training occurs at the unit headquarters at Fort Sto. Domingo with its Air Unit stationed at the PNP Hangar in Pasay. The SAF has an official magazine known as "Tagaligtas".

Special Action Force

The Special Action Force (SAF) is the elite unit of the Philippine National Police founded by Fidel V. Ramos. SAF Commandos have received training from the Hostage Rescue Team (HRT), Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG), RAID and Yamam. The Anti-Terrorist Unit (ATU) of the PNP-SAF is responsible for police counter-terrorism (CT) operations nationwide. SAF troopers are assigned anywhere in the country. Training occurs at the unit headquarters at Fort Sto. Domingo with its Air Unit stationed at the PNP Hangar in Pasay. The SAF has an official magazine known as "Tagaligtas".