Spider-Woman (2009 series)

Spider-Woman was a comic book limited series written by Brian Michael Bendis, drawn by Alex Maleev, published by Marvel Comics in 2009–2010, starring Spider-Woman. It is the fourth Marvel Comics series released under the title Spider-Woman. The series was released simultaneously in printed comic book and motion comic forms, making it the first original motion comic released by a major publisher. The series ended at issue #7.

Spider-Woman (2009 series)

Spider-Woman was a comic book limited series written by Brian Michael Bendis, drawn by Alex Maleev, published by Marvel Comics in 2009–2010, starring Spider-Woman. It is the fourth Marvel Comics series released under the title Spider-Woman. The series was released simultaneously in printed comic book and motion comic forms, making it the first original motion comic released by a major publisher. The series ended at issue #7.