Spymaker: The Secret Life of Ian Fleming

Spymaker: The Secret Life of Ian Fleming is a 1990 TV biographical film of the life of Ian Fleming, creator of the James Bond spy character, retracing his playboy youth, his expulsion from several colleges, his experiences as a newspaper writer and his tour of duty for the British intelligence agency during World War II. Fleming himself is played by Jason Connery, son of Sean Connery, the actor who first played Bond in the film series. Ex-Bond girl Fiona Fullerton, who appeared in A View To A Kill, made an appearance.

Spymaker: The Secret Life of Ian Fleming

Spymaker: The Secret Life of Ian Fleming is a 1990 TV biographical film of the life of Ian Fleming, creator of the James Bond spy character, retracing his playboy youth, his expulsion from several colleges, his experiences as a newspaper writer and his tour of duty for the British intelligence agency during World War II. Fleming himself is played by Jason Connery, son of Sean Connery, the actor who first played Bond in the film series. Ex-Bond girl Fiona Fullerton, who appeared in A View To A Kill, made an appearance.