St. Nicholas Cathedral, Ruski Krstur

The St. Nicholas Cathedral (Serbian: Кафедральный собор св. Николая, Katedrala sv. Nikole) also called Ruski Krstur Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in the town of Ruski Krstur, in the city of Kula, in the European country of Serbia. The present building was built in 1784 but underwent a reconstruction in 1836, as evidenced by the inscription on the north portal. Between 1961 and 1963 there was the complete restoration of the iconostasis. Some restoration works were carried out in 1972.

St. Nicholas Cathedral, Ruski Krstur

The St. Nicholas Cathedral (Serbian: Кафедральный собор св. Николая, Katedrala sv. Nikole) also called Ruski Krstur Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in the town of Ruski Krstur, in the city of Kula, in the European country of Serbia. The present building was built in 1784 but underwent a reconstruction in 1836, as evidenced by the inscription on the north portal. Between 1961 and 1963 there was the complete restoration of the iconostasis. Some restoration works were carried out in 1972.