Stańczyk (painting)

Stańczyk (Polish: Stańczyk w czasie balu na dworze królowej Bony wobec straconego Smoleńska, English: Stańczyk during a ball at the court of Queen Bona in the face of the loss of Smolensk) is a painting by Jan Matejko finished in 1862. This painting was acquired by the Warsaw National Museum in 1924. During World War II it was looted by the Nazis and subsequently by the Soviet Union, but was returned to Poland around 1956.

Stańczyk (painting)

Stańczyk (Polish: Stańczyk w czasie balu na dworze królowej Bony wobec straconego Smoleńska, English: Stańczyk during a ball at the court of Queen Bona in the face of the loss of Smolensk) is a painting by Jan Matejko finished in 1862. This painting was acquired by the Warsaw National Museum in 1924. During World War II it was looted by the Nazis and subsequently by the Soviet Union, but was returned to Poland around 1956.