Stanser Verkommnis

In the Stanser Verkommnis (English: Treaty of Stans) of 1481 the Tagsatzung solved the latent conflict between the rural and urban cantons of the Old Swiss Confederacy, averting the breaking of the Confederacy, and triggering its further expansion from 8 to 13 members until 1513. The tensions between the cantons had arisen in the wake of the Burgundy Wars, among other things due to disagreement over the distribution of spoils which culminated in the Saubannerzug. The compromise solution entailed the accession of Fribourg and Solothurn as full members of the Confederacy.

Stanser Verkommnis

In the Stanser Verkommnis (English: Treaty of Stans) of 1481 the Tagsatzung solved the latent conflict between the rural and urban cantons of the Old Swiss Confederacy, averting the breaking of the Confederacy, and triggering its further expansion from 8 to 13 members until 1513. The tensions between the cantons had arisen in the wake of the Burgundy Wars, among other things due to disagreement over the distribution of spoils which culminated in the Saubannerzug. The compromise solution entailed the accession of Fribourg and Solothurn as full members of the Confederacy.