State Council of Crimea

The State Council of Crimea (Russian: Госуда́рственный Сове́т Респу́блики Крым, Ukrainian: Державна Рада Республіки Крим, Crimean Tatar: Къырым Джумхуриетининъ Девлет Шурасы) is the parliament of the Republic of Crimea. It had previously been called the 'Supreme Council of Crimea' but changed its name in March 2014 following a vote by the Ukrainian parliament to dissolve the Supreme Council of Crimea. The Parliament is housed in the Parliament building in the centre of Simferopol.

State Council of Crimea

The State Council of Crimea (Russian: Госуда́рственный Сове́т Респу́блики Крым, Ukrainian: Державна Рада Республіки Крим, Crimean Tatar: Къырым Джумхуриетининъ Девлет Шурасы) is the parliament of the Republic of Crimea. It had previously been called the 'Supreme Council of Crimea' but changed its name in March 2014 following a vote by the Ukrainian parliament to dissolve the Supreme Council of Crimea. The Parliament is housed in the Parliament building in the centre of Simferopol.