Statue of Miss American Green Cross

The Statue of Miss American Green Cross in Glendale, California, is a 10-foot-high bronze cast statue (18 feet including the base) to "Miss American Green Cross" located in Brand Park, adjacent to the Brand Library & Art Center at 1601 W. Mountain Street. The statue was originally displayed at the Glendale High School campus. It was moved in the 1930s and lost for two decades. In 1954, the statue was discovered in a remote canyon in Brand Park, though its large base was not present.

Statue of Miss American Green Cross

The Statue of Miss American Green Cross in Glendale, California, is a 10-foot-high bronze cast statue (18 feet including the base) to "Miss American Green Cross" located in Brand Park, adjacent to the Brand Library & Art Center at 1601 W. Mountain Street. The statue was originally displayed at the Glendale High School campus. It was moved in the 1930s and lost for two decades. In 1954, the statue was discovered in a remote canyon in Brand Park, though its large base was not present.