Status Quo (Jerusalem and Bethlehem)

The Status Quo (Hebrew: סטטוס קוו‎, Arabic: الوضع الراهن‎) is an understanding among religious communities with respect to nine shared religious sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Other Holy Places in Israel and Palestine were not deemed subject to the Status Quo because the authorities of one religion or of one community within a religion are in recognized or effective possession.

Status Quo (Jerusalem and Bethlehem)

The Status Quo (Hebrew: סטטוס קוו‎, Arabic: الوضع الراهن‎) is an understanding among religious communities with respect to nine shared religious sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Other Holy Places in Israel and Palestine were not deemed subject to the Status Quo because the authorities of one religion or of one community within a religion are in recognized or effective possession.