Status dynamic psychotherapy

Status dynamic psychotherapy (SDT) is an approach to psychotherapy that was created by Peter G. Ossorio at the University of Colorado in the late 1960s as part of a larger system known as "descriptive psychology". Its distinguishing characteristic is that it does not focus on the factors traditionally targeted by psychotherapy such as the client’s behaviors, cognitions, insight into unconscious factors, and patterns of interaction with significant others. Instead, it focuses on bringing about changes in clients’ statuses; i.e., the positions that they occupy in relation to everything in their worlds, including themselves and aspects of themselves. Proponents of SDT maintain:

Status dynamic psychotherapy

Status dynamic psychotherapy (SDT) is an approach to psychotherapy that was created by Peter G. Ossorio at the University of Colorado in the late 1960s as part of a larger system known as "descriptive psychology". Its distinguishing characteristic is that it does not focus on the factors traditionally targeted by psychotherapy such as the client’s behaviors, cognitions, insight into unconscious factors, and patterns of interaction with significant others. Instead, it focuses on bringing about changes in clients’ statuses; i.e., the positions that they occupy in relation to everything in their worlds, including themselves and aspects of themselves. Proponents of SDT maintain: