Stavisky affair

The Stavisky affair, involving embezzler Alexandre Stavisky, was a financial scandal in France in 1934. The scandal had political ramifications for the Radical Socialist moderate government of the day when it was revealed that Prime Minister Camille Chautemps had protected Stavisky, who suddenly died in mysterious circumstances. The political right engaged in large anti-government demonstrations on 6 February 1934, resulting in Paris police firing upon and killing fifteen demonstrators. A right-wing coup d'état seemed like a possibility at the time, but historians agree that the multiple right-wing forces were uncoordinated and not trying to overthrow the government.

Stavisky affair

The Stavisky affair, involving embezzler Alexandre Stavisky, was a financial scandal in France in 1934. The scandal had political ramifications for the Radical Socialist moderate government of the day when it was revealed that Prime Minister Camille Chautemps had protected Stavisky, who suddenly died in mysterious circumstances. The political right engaged in large anti-government demonstrations on 6 February 1934, resulting in Paris police firing upon and killing fifteen demonstrators. A right-wing coup d'état seemed like a possibility at the time, but historians agree that the multiple right-wing forces were uncoordinated and not trying to overthrow the government.