Stewart Dawson's Building

The Stewart Dawson's building was a historic building on the corner of Lambton Quay and Willis Street in Wellington, New Zealand. The façade has been retained. Built in 1901 for the London jeweller David Stewart Dawson, it was located on a prominent corner in two of Wellington's major streets, a site particularly important to the history of Wellington, that is commonly known as 'Stewart Dawson's corner'.

Stewart Dawson's Building

The Stewart Dawson's building was a historic building on the corner of Lambton Quay and Willis Street in Wellington, New Zealand. The façade has been retained. Built in 1901 for the London jeweller David Stewart Dawson, it was located on a prominent corner in two of Wellington's major streets, a site particularly important to the history of Wellington, that is commonly known as 'Stewart Dawson's corner'.