Stinson Hunter

Stinson Hunter (born Kieren Parsons, 10 October 1981) is a British vigilante who is best known for his role in the documentary, The Paedophile Hunter. The film investigating child sexual exploitation was named "Best Documentary on a Contemporary Theme" in the 42nd British Documentary Awards, which "celebrates documentaries from Britain and abroad that "have made a significant contribution to the genre." Hunter's personal challenges, such as past issues with alcohol, drugs and a prison term have been reported in editorial newspapers as well as tabloid newspapers.

Stinson Hunter

Stinson Hunter (born Kieren Parsons, 10 October 1981) is a British vigilante who is best known for his role in the documentary, The Paedophile Hunter. The film investigating child sexual exploitation was named "Best Documentary on a Contemporary Theme" in the 42nd British Documentary Awards, which "celebrates documentaries from Britain and abroad that "have made a significant contribution to the genre." Hunter's personal challenges, such as past issues with alcohol, drugs and a prison term have been reported in editorial newspapers as well as tabloid newspapers.