Stipe Cotton Gin

The Stipe Cotton Gin is a historic cotton gin at Florida and Cypress Streets in Beebe, Arkansas. It is a two-story steel-framed structure, clad in corrugated metal, that houses the steam compressor and other equipment for processing and baling cotton. The complex also includes a seed storage building, and a circular structure of uncertain function. Built about 1930, it is one of only five to survive in White County from that period, when cotton production was locally at its peak. The complex was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1992.

Stipe Cotton Gin

The Stipe Cotton Gin is a historic cotton gin at Florida and Cypress Streets in Beebe, Arkansas. It is a two-story steel-framed structure, clad in corrugated metal, that houses the steam compressor and other equipment for processing and baling cotton. The complex also includes a seed storage building, and a circular structure of uncertain function. Built about 1930, it is one of only five to survive in White County from that period, when cotton production was locally at its peak. The complex was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1992.