Stojan Bošković

Stojan Bošković (Svilajnac, Principality of Serbia, 1833 – Belgrade, Kingdom of Serbia, 21 February 1908) was a Serbian educator, politician, and historian. He was one of several historians in his day, along with Stojan Novaković, the leader of the Progressive Party; Čedomilj Mijatović, minister of foreign affairs and finance; and Ljubomir Jovanović, minister of education. He wrote, "We must learn from England -- the mother of liberty and constitutionalism in the whole world." His son, Matija Bošković (Mathias Boshkovitch) was a diplomat.

Stojan Bošković

Stojan Bošković (Svilajnac, Principality of Serbia, 1833 – Belgrade, Kingdom of Serbia, 21 February 1908) was a Serbian educator, politician, and historian. He was one of several historians in his day, along with Stojan Novaković, the leader of the Progressive Party; Čedomilj Mijatović, minister of foreign affairs and finance; and Ljubomir Jovanović, minister of education. He wrote, "We must learn from England -- the mother of liberty and constitutionalism in the whole world." His son, Matija Bošković (Mathias Boshkovitch) was a diplomat.