Stolp radio transmitter

Stolp radio transmitter was a broadcasting station close to Rathsdamnitz, Germany ( since 1945: Dębnica Kaszubska, Poland) southeast of Stolp, Germany (since 1945 Słupsk, Poland). The facility, which went in service on December 1, 1938, was not just used for broadcasting, but also for clarifying the question if it is possible to build a directional antenna with skywave-suppressing characteristics by suitable feeding of a single antenna or an antenna group. In 1940 south of the transmission building a 50 meters tall guyed mast radiator, which was manufactured by Jucho, was erected.

Stolp radio transmitter

Stolp radio transmitter was a broadcasting station close to Rathsdamnitz, Germany ( since 1945: Dębnica Kaszubska, Poland) southeast of Stolp, Germany (since 1945 Słupsk, Poland). The facility, which went in service on December 1, 1938, was not just used for broadcasting, but also for clarifying the question if it is possible to build a directional antenna with skywave-suppressing characteristics by suitable feeding of a single antenna or an antenna group. In 1940 south of the transmission building a 50 meters tall guyed mast radiator, which was manufactured by Jucho, was erected.