Stolta Stad!

Stolta stad! (Proud city!), is one of the Swedish poet and performer Carl Michael Bellman's best-known and best-loved works, from his 1790 collection, Fredman's Epistles, where it is No. 33. It combines spoken sections (Was ist das?, with words in German, Swedish, and French) and song (in Swedish). It has been described as Swedish literature's most congenial portrait of its capital city, Stockholm.

Stolta Stad!

Stolta stad! (Proud city!), is one of the Swedish poet and performer Carl Michael Bellman's best-known and best-loved works, from his 1790 collection, Fredman's Epistles, where it is No. 33. It combines spoken sections (Was ist das?, with words in German, Swedish, and French) and song (in Swedish). It has been described as Swedish literature's most congenial portrait of its capital city, Stockholm.