StopWatch (campaign)

StopWatch is a joint venture between a range of civil society organisations, activist and human rights groups, academics and campaigners. StopWatch was established to address concerns about the use of Stop and Search powers by police in the UK with regards to law, community relations and civil rights. Its primary target is addressing the significant ethnic dis-proportionality in the use of stop and search; however, it also aims to review the use of powers which do not require reasonable suspicion to order a stop and search such as section 60 and to ensure effective monitoring and accountability are employed in conjunction with Stop and Search powers. It also aims to promote more effective methods of policing that do not have the same impact upon civil liberties and community relations.

StopWatch (campaign)

StopWatch is a joint venture between a range of civil society organisations, activist and human rights groups, academics and campaigners. StopWatch was established to address concerns about the use of Stop and Search powers by police in the UK with regards to law, community relations and civil rights. Its primary target is addressing the significant ethnic dis-proportionality in the use of stop and search; however, it also aims to review the use of powers which do not require reasonable suspicion to order a stop and search such as section 60 and to ensure effective monitoring and accountability are employed in conjunction with Stop and Search powers. It also aims to promote more effective methods of policing that do not have the same impact upon civil liberties and community relations.