Strive (film)

Strive is a 2019 American independent coming-of-age drama film. Set in Harlem, the film tells the story of Kalani Johnson , a driven 18-year-old high school student who dreams of getting accepted into Yale University while facing the challenging life in the projects and streets of Harlem - with her only ally being college counselor Mr. Rose (Danny Glover). The film premiered at the Harlem International Film Festival in May 2019. In June 2019, it screened in competition at the American Black Film Festival in Miami, and won the Jury Award for "Best Screenplay".

Strive (film)

Strive is a 2019 American independent coming-of-age drama film. Set in Harlem, the film tells the story of Kalani Johnson , a driven 18-year-old high school student who dreams of getting accepted into Yale University while facing the challenging life in the projects and streets of Harlem - with her only ally being college counselor Mr. Rose (Danny Glover). The film premiered at the Harlem International Film Festival in May 2019. In June 2019, it screened in competition at the American Black Film Festival in Miami, and won the Jury Award for "Best Screenplay".