
struc2vec is a framework to generate node vector representations on a graph that preserve the structural identity. In contrast to node2vec, that optimizes node embeddings so that nearby nodes in the graph have similar embedding, struc2vec captures the roles of nodes in a graph, even if structurally similar nodes are far apart in the graph. It learns low-dimensional representations for nodes in a graph, generating random walks through a constructed multi-layer graph starting at each graph node. It is useful for machine learning applications where the downstream application is more related with the structural equivalence of the nodes (e.g., it can be used to detect nodes in networks with similar functions, such as interns in the social network of a corporation). struc2vec identifies nodes th


struc2vec is a framework to generate node vector representations on a graph that preserve the structural identity. In contrast to node2vec, that optimizes node embeddings so that nearby nodes in the graph have similar embedding, struc2vec captures the roles of nodes in a graph, even if structurally similar nodes are far apart in the graph. It learns low-dimensional representations for nodes in a graph, generating random walks through a constructed multi-layer graph starting at each graph node. It is useful for machine learning applications where the downstream application is more related with the structural equivalence of the nodes (e.g., it can be used to detect nodes in networks with similar functions, such as interns in the social network of a corporation). struc2vec identifies nodes th