Studentenviertel Oberwiesenfeld

The Studentenviertel Oberwiesenfeld, also known as a student village or because of its location in the Olympic Park, sometimes called Olydorf, is a student residency in Munich. It is located on the former site of the Olympic Village of the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich. After the student city Freimann, it is, with currently about 1953 residents, the second largest housing estate of the Studentenwerk München (Munich Student Union).

Studentenviertel Oberwiesenfeld

The Studentenviertel Oberwiesenfeld, also known as a student village or because of its location in the Olympic Park, sometimes called Olydorf, is a student residency in Munich. It is located on the former site of the Olympic Village of the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich. After the student city Freimann, it is, with currently about 1953 residents, the second largest housing estate of the Studentenwerk München (Munich Student Union).