Stylidium ericksoniae

Stylidium ericksoniae (initially described by J. H. Willis in 1956 as Stylidium ericksonae) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the genus Stylidium (family Stylidiaceae). It is an annual plant that grows from 6 to 15 cm tall. The linear or deltate leaves, about 20-100 per plant, are mostly in terminal rosettes but with some scattered along the elongate stem. The leaves are generally 4.0-9.5 mm long and 0.6-1.1 mm wide. Petioles are absent. This species produces 1-20 scapes per plant. Inflorescences are 5–11 cm long and produces a single pink or mauve flower that blooms from March to August in the southern hemisphere. S. ericksoniae is endemic to the northern areas of the Northern Territory of Australia. Its habitat is recorded as being damp sand near sandstone rocks or on swampy drai

Stylidium ericksoniae

Stylidium ericksoniae (initially described by J. H. Willis in 1956 as Stylidium ericksonae) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the genus Stylidium (family Stylidiaceae). It is an annual plant that grows from 6 to 15 cm tall. The linear or deltate leaves, about 20-100 per plant, are mostly in terminal rosettes but with some scattered along the elongate stem. The leaves are generally 4.0-9.5 mm long and 0.6-1.1 mm wide. Petioles are absent. This species produces 1-20 scapes per plant. Inflorescences are 5–11 cm long and produces a single pink or mauve flower that blooms from March to August in the southern hemisphere. S. ericksoniae is endemic to the northern areas of the Northern Territory of Australia. Its habitat is recorded as being damp sand near sandstone rocks or on swampy drai