Suối Tiên Amusement Park

Suối Tiên Amusement Park is an amusement park in District 9, Thu Duc City, Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam. The park includes several entertainment areas. The landscaping and attractions in the park illustrate Vietnam's history and legends, such as Âu Cơ and Lạc Long Quân as well as the Battle of Son Tinh and Thuy Tinh (The Mountain God and The River God). An artificial seawater pool is located in the park for sea-bathers. There is also a dinosaur garden and a roller coaster called "Roller Coaster".

Suối Tiên Amusement Park

Suối Tiên Amusement Park is an amusement park in District 9, Thu Duc City, Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam. The park includes several entertainment areas. The landscaping and attractions in the park illustrate Vietnam's history and legends, such as Âu Cơ and Lạc Long Quân as well as the Battle of Son Tinh and Thuy Tinh (The Mountain God and The River God). An artificial seawater pool is located in the park for sea-bathers. There is also a dinosaur garden and a roller coaster called "Roller Coaster".