Sub specie aeternitatis

Sub specie aeternitatis (Latin for "under the aspect of eternity") is, from Baruch Spinoza onwards, a honorific expression describing what is universally and eternally true, without any reference to or dependence upon the temporal portions of reality. In clearer English, sub specie aeternitatis roughly means "from the perspective of the eternal". Even more loosely, the phrase is used to describe an alternative or objective point of view.

Sub specie aeternitatis

Sub specie aeternitatis (Latin for "under the aspect of eternity") is, from Baruch Spinoza onwards, a honorific expression describing what is universally and eternally true, without any reference to or dependence upon the temporal portions of reality. In clearer English, sub specie aeternitatis roughly means "from the perspective of the eternal". Even more loosely, the phrase is used to describe an alternative or objective point of view.