
The Suburra, or Subura (unknown etymology, not from the Latin sub-urbe), was a vast and populous neighborhood of Ancient Rome, located below the Murus Terreus on the Carinae and stretching on the slopes of the Quirinal and Viminal hills up to the offshoots of the Esquiline (Oppian, Cispian and Fagutal hills). Julius Caesar lived in a family home (domus) in the Suburra until, in 63 BC, he was elected pontifex maximus at the age of 37, as the Suburra had grown up around the property many years before his birth. The poet Martial also lived there.


The Suburra, or Subura (unknown etymology, not from the Latin sub-urbe), was a vast and populous neighborhood of Ancient Rome, located below the Murus Terreus on the Carinae and stretching on the slopes of the Quirinal and Viminal hills up to the offshoots of the Esquiline (Oppian, Cispian and Fagutal hills). Julius Caesar lived in a family home (domus) in the Suburra until, in 63 BC, he was elected pontifex maximus at the age of 37, as the Suburra had grown up around the property many years before his birth. The poet Martial also lived there.