Suk Bahadur Rai

Private Aung San Thuriya Suk Bahdur Rai (Nepali: सुक बहादुर राई, [[Burmese language|Burmese]ဆွတ်(ခ်)ဗဟာဒူးရိုင်း]: ) (serial No.(kyee) 01914) was the only Gurkha (ဂေါ်ရခါး in Burmese) to have received Aung San Thuriya medal, the highest and most prestigious award in Myanmar (Burma) for gallantry and bravery in the face of enemy. Suk Bahdur Rai was honoured and awarded Aung San Thuriya medal posthumously by President Mahn Win Maung.

Suk Bahadur Rai

Private Aung San Thuriya Suk Bahdur Rai (Nepali: सुक बहादुर राई, [[Burmese language|Burmese]ဆွတ်(ခ်)ဗဟာဒူးရိုင်း]: ) (serial No.(kyee) 01914) was the only Gurkha (ဂေါ်ရခါး in Burmese) to have received Aung San Thuriya medal, the highest and most prestigious award in Myanmar (Burma) for gallantry and bravery in the face of enemy. Suk Bahdur Rai was honoured and awarded Aung San Thuriya medal posthumously by President Mahn Win Maung.