Sukow-Dziedzice group

The Sukow-Dziedzice group (German: Sukow-Dziedzice-Gruppe) or Sukow-Dziedzice culture (Polish: Kultura Sukow-Dziedzice, Russian: Суковско-дзедзицкая культура), also known as Szeligi culture, was an archaeological culture attributed to the Early Slavs. Areal of sites lays between Elbe and Vistula rivers in Northeast Germany and North West Poland. The sites date to the 7th and 8th centuries.

Sukow-Dziedzice group

The Sukow-Dziedzice group (German: Sukow-Dziedzice-Gruppe) or Sukow-Dziedzice culture (Polish: Kultura Sukow-Dziedzice, Russian: Суковско-дзедзицкая культура), also known as Szeligi culture, was an archaeological culture attributed to the Early Slavs. Areal of sites lays between Elbe and Vistula rivers in Northeast Germany and North West Poland. The sites date to the 7th and 8th centuries.