Sulawesi giant rat

The Sulawesi giant rat (Paruromys dominator) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. It is monotypic in the genus Paruromys. The species is endemic to Sulawesi in Indonesia, where it inhabits forests at elevations from sea level to the tree line. It is frugivorous and semiarboreal. While not currently listed as threatened, it is impacted by both habitat destruction and subsistence hunting.

Sulawesi giant rat

The Sulawesi giant rat (Paruromys dominator) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. It is monotypic in the genus Paruromys. The species is endemic to Sulawesi in Indonesia, where it inhabits forests at elevations from sea level to the tree line. It is frugivorous and semiarboreal. While not currently listed as threatened, it is impacted by both habitat destruction and subsistence hunting.