Sulfate chloride

The sulfate chlorides are double salts containing both sulfate (SO42–) and chloride (Cl–) anions. They are distinct from the chlorosulfates, which have a chlorine atom attached to the sulfur as the ClSO3− anion. Many minerals in this family exist. Many are found associated with volcanoes and fumaroles. As minerals they are included in the Nickel-Strunz classification group 7.DG. The book, Hey's Chemical Index of Minerals groups these in subgroup 12.2.

Sulfate chloride

The sulfate chlorides are double salts containing both sulfate (SO42–) and chloride (Cl–) anions. They are distinct from the chlorosulfates, which have a chlorine atom attached to the sulfur as the ClSO3− anion. Many minerals in this family exist. Many are found associated with volcanoes and fumaroles. As minerals they are included in the Nickel-Strunz classification group 7.DG. The book, Hey's Chemical Index of Minerals groups these in subgroup 12.2.