Summer's Day

Summer's Day (or Jour d'eté) is a painting by the French Impressionist painter Berthe Morisot. The painting depicts two women seated in a row boat, and was painted in the Bois de Boulogne. Morisot employed a rather unusual palette in this painting. She painted the dark blue coat of the woman on the right with cerulean blue which was rarely used by the Impressionists. The green foliage is painted in a mixture of emerald green, viridian, lead white and cadmium yellow. Cadmium yellow was not yet widely used at this time.

Summer's Day

Summer's Day (or Jour d'eté) is a painting by the French Impressionist painter Berthe Morisot. The painting depicts two women seated in a row boat, and was painted in the Bois de Boulogne. Morisot employed a rather unusual palette in this painting. She painted the dark blue coat of the woman on the right with cerulean blue which was rarely used by the Impressionists. The green foliage is painted in a mixture of emerald green, viridian, lead white and cadmium yellow. Cadmium yellow was not yet widely used at this time.