Sundae Bloody Sundae (slogan)

In 2019, McDonald's Portugal promoted a sundae for Halloween with advertising that dubbed it "Sundae Bloody Sundae". This generated controversy on social networks in the British-Irish territories due to the name's connotation with the Bloody Sunday massacre in 1972. McDonald's issued an apology for "any offense or distress" and withdrew its promotions. "Bloody Sunday" is a name that commemorates the day in 1972 on which 26 unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland were shot by British soldiers during "the Troubles", a domestic conflict in Northern Ireland during the late 20th century. This resulted in 14 deaths. This day is also recounted in a famous song by the Irish rock band from Dublin, U2. McDonald's said it was intended as a local promotion of Halloween and not intended to insult

Sundae Bloody Sundae (slogan)

In 2019, McDonald's Portugal promoted a sundae for Halloween with advertising that dubbed it "Sundae Bloody Sundae". This generated controversy on social networks in the British-Irish territories due to the name's connotation with the Bloody Sunday massacre in 1972. McDonald's issued an apology for "any offense or distress" and withdrew its promotions. "Bloody Sunday" is a name that commemorates the day in 1972 on which 26 unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland were shot by British soldiers during "the Troubles", a domestic conflict in Northern Ireland during the late 20th century. This resulted in 14 deaths. This day is also recounted in a famous song by the Irish rock band from Dublin, U2. McDonald's said it was intended as a local promotion of Halloween and not intended to insult