
SuperCard is a high-level development environment that runs on Macintosh computers, under OS 8 and 9, and OS X. It is inspired by HyperCard, but includes a richer language, a full GUI toolkit, and native color (as opposed to HyperCard's Apple- or third-party-supplied add-ons). Programs created using SuperCard can be run inside the IDE itself, or as "standalones", which combine the user-created programs and resources with the execution engine used by SuperCard.


SuperCard is a high-level development environment that runs on Macintosh computers, under OS 8 and 9, and OS X. It is inspired by HyperCard, but includes a richer language, a full GUI toolkit, and native color (as opposed to HyperCard's Apple- or third-party-supplied add-ons). Programs created using SuperCard can be run inside the IDE itself, or as "standalones", which combine the user-created programs and resources with the execution engine used by SuperCard.