
Superman/Aliens is an American comic book limited series about a battle between the superhero Superman and the aliens created by H. R. Giger (a.k.a. the Xenomorphs), from the Alien film series. The writers use the plot device of Superman's powers temporarily diminishing-due to him being in a location with a distinct lack of yellow sunlight that his body requires to give him his powers-to make the Xenomorphs a believable threat to the Man of Steel.


Superman/Aliens is an American comic book limited series about a battle between the superhero Superman and the aliens created by H. R. Giger (a.k.a. the Xenomorphs), from the Alien film series. The writers use the plot device of Superman's powers temporarily diminishing-due to him being in a location with a distinct lack of yellow sunlight that his body requires to give him his powers-to make the Xenomorphs a believable threat to the Man of Steel.