Superpowerless (film)

Superpowerless is a 2016 American feature film and the feature directorial debut of . An autobiographical collaboration between Andersen and childhood friend/lead actor/co-producer , the screenplay was written by Andersen and Dominic Mah. Production took place in early 2014 throughout the San Francisco Bay Area including Andersen and Polhemus's hometown of Palo Alto. The film premiered in July 2016 at the Fantasia International Film Festival and was released in the Fall of 2017 by First Pond Entertainment.

Superpowerless (film)

Superpowerless is a 2016 American feature film and the feature directorial debut of . An autobiographical collaboration between Andersen and childhood friend/lead actor/co-producer , the screenplay was written by Andersen and Dominic Mah. Production took place in early 2014 throughout the San Francisco Bay Area including Andersen and Polhemus's hometown of Palo Alto. The film premiered in July 2016 at the Fantasia International Film Festival and was released in the Fall of 2017 by First Pond Entertainment.