Supersymmetric WKB approximation

In physics, the supersymmetric WKB (SWKB) approximation is an extension of the WKB approximation that uses principles from supersymmetric quantum mechanics to provide estimations on energy eigenvalues in quantum-mechanical systems. Using the supersymmetric method, there are potentials that can be expressed in terms of a superpotential, , such that The SWKB approximation then writes the Born–Sommerfeld quantization condition from the WKB approximation in terms of . The SWKB approximation for unbroken supersymmetry, to first order in is given by

Supersymmetric WKB approximation

In physics, the supersymmetric WKB (SWKB) approximation is an extension of the WKB approximation that uses principles from supersymmetric quantum mechanics to provide estimations on energy eigenvalues in quantum-mechanical systems. Using the supersymmetric method, there are potentials that can be expressed in terms of a superpotential, , such that The SWKB approximation then writes the Born–Sommerfeld quantization condition from the WKB approximation in terms of . The SWKB approximation for unbroken supersymmetry, to first order in is given by