Suraiya (film)

Suraiya is a 2020 Bengali short film directed by Anirudho Rasel with Shahiduzzaman Selim and Shiba Ali Khan playing the lead roles. This film is based on true events that occurred during the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan. The story is inspired by a Sikh woman during the partition of India and Pakistan in Rawalpindi and the main story was written by Kuldip Nayar.

Suraiya (film)

Suraiya is a 2020 Bengali short film directed by Anirudho Rasel with Shahiduzzaman Selim and Shiba Ali Khan playing the lead roles. This film is based on true events that occurred during the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan. The story is inspired by a Sikh woman during the partition of India and Pakistan in Rawalpindi and the main story was written by Kuldip Nayar.