Surendre Rambocus

Surendre Sradhanand "Soerinder" Rambocus (5 May 1953 – 8 December 1982) was a Surinamese serviceman. For a short period, he was the highest ranking officer of the Suriname National Army. He was involved in the unsuccessful coup d'état of March 1982 against the then dictator of Suriname, Dési Bouterse, and was executed on 8 December 1982 as one of the December murders.

Surendre Rambocus

Surendre Sradhanand "Soerinder" Rambocus (5 May 1953 – 8 December 1982) was a Surinamese serviceman. For a short period, he was the highest ranking officer of the Suriname National Army. He was involved in the unsuccessful coup d'état of March 1982 against the then dictator of Suriname, Dési Bouterse, and was executed on 8 December 1982 as one of the December murders.