Swansea Devil

The Swansea Devil, also called Old Nick, is a wood carving of the Devil in Swansea, Wales. It was carved by an architect whose designs for St. Mary's Church had been rejected by a committee. Some years later when designing an office building across the road, he placed a carving of Satan facing the church and prophesied "When your church is destroyed and burnt to the ground my devil will remain laughing". This prophecy later came true when the church was bombed during the Second World War. This is purely a legend. There was no tender process for designs for the new church. The vicar, J Allan Smith had seen a new church at Portsea, designed by Sir Arthur Blomfield and invited him to Swansea to view the old parish Church. He did and advised that there was nothing worth saving and susequently

Swansea Devil

The Swansea Devil, also called Old Nick, is a wood carving of the Devil in Swansea, Wales. It was carved by an architect whose designs for St. Mary's Church had been rejected by a committee. Some years later when designing an office building across the road, he placed a carving of Satan facing the church and prophesied "When your church is destroyed and burnt to the ground my devil will remain laughing". This prophecy later came true when the church was bombed during the Second World War. This is purely a legend. There was no tender process for designs for the new church. The vicar, J Allan Smith had seen a new church at Portsea, designed by Sir Arthur Blomfield and invited him to Swansea to view the old parish Church. He did and advised that there was nothing worth saving and susequently