Swiss Social Archives

The Swiss Social Archives (German: Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv, French: Archives Sociales Suisse) in Zurich is a historical archive, an academic library, a collection of documentation and a research facility specialising in social issues and social movements. The Swiss Confederation recognizes the archives as the country's leading research facility for social issues and social movements. The Social Archives run their own research endowment fund, the Ellen Rifkin Hill Foundation. The SSA play an important role in communicating scholarship to the broader community. They have convened several exhibitions, published essay collections on Swiss social history and conduct lecture series, presentations and information sessions. The archives work with Swiss secondary and tertiary educational insti

Swiss Social Archives

The Swiss Social Archives (German: Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv, French: Archives Sociales Suisse) in Zurich is a historical archive, an academic library, a collection of documentation and a research facility specialising in social issues and social movements. The Swiss Confederation recognizes the archives as the country's leading research facility for social issues and social movements. The Social Archives run their own research endowment fund, the Ellen Rifkin Hill Foundation. The SSA play an important role in communicating scholarship to the broader community. They have convened several exhibitions, published essay collections on Swiss social history and conduct lecture series, presentations and information sessions. The archives work with Swiss secondary and tertiary educational insti